Pt: I'm scared of changing.
Th: Are you changing or becoming?
Pt: Becoming?
Th: Are you holding onto the things that don't fit you anymore?
Is that what you fear? Do you fear Becoming?
Pt: Maybe, I didn't see it like that.
Th: Becoming a person of light and love, charity and hope, courage and joy, mercy grace and compassion.
Could you see yourself as breaking through, not falling apart, could you be falling into place, RELAX, take some deep breaths and allow the things you don't need anymore to fall off you.
Pt: So I'M not broken?
Th: Of course not! Could you see yourself breaking like the dawn, Becoming like a new day?
This journey is best accomplisher with the support of two healthcare professionals, who are both aware of the long journey you have been on to find the right people who will understand your TMS and work with you to be free.